Paranormal Party Guest – Kim MacCarron

Yes, the Paranormal Party is still going! Thanks so much for coming by. I hope you’re having a good time. If this is your first visit, you might be wondering what the occasion is. Some of my YA writer friends are blogging each day to celebrate the release of my debut YA, This Is Your Afterlife. (Hooray!)

Today I’m welcoming Kim MacCarron to the party! Kim is a four-time YA Golden Heart nominee, and no wonder — her books are packed with emotional punch.

What can I say about my critique partner Special K? A lot! She’s a wonderful author who writes about strong friendships, courage and love. And as a person, she epitomizes those qualities too. This is a woman who’s legendary for hauling a blender to a conference and making us margaritas in her room. A woman who bought me a Broadway ticket to Wicked and firmly said, “I don’t want to hear a word. Take it.” A woman who took a wrong turn on the way to Albuquerque and ended up in Roswell, where she quickly blended in with the locals. She’s fun. She’s cute. She’s the one and only Kim MacCarron.

Hang out with Kim on Twitter and on her website.

Kim MacCarron

Vanessa, thanks so much for including me in your Paranormal Party Posts to celebrate the release of your debut, THIS IS YOUR AFTERLIFE.
In keeping with the paranormal theme, I thought about writing about my experience with the Ouija board, but it gives me the heebie jeebies even after all these years. Instead I’ll tell someone else’s experience, which inspired me to write my own short story based on the idea.

My friend had purchased a secretary at an estate sale or auction, but soon after moving the piece into the condo, strange things started to occur. A feeling in the room. A coldness. Creaking noises. She just felt something wasn’t right.

Then the deadbolt started to lock her door at the exact same time every day—right before her husband was due home from work. This caused some irritation because he kept asking my friend why she kept bolting the door when she knew he was on his way. She couldn’t understand how this kept happening. Again and again.

One day her husband called while on his way home, so she went to the door and double checked that the door wasn’t bolted. It wasn’t. She went to the sink to load a few dishes in the dishwasher, but turned off the water when she thought she heard a noise. She heard the distinct click of the deadbolt. She rolled her eyes, thinking her husband had used his key the wrong way, and he clearly had been doing the same thing all along.

She walked to the door to confront him about his mistake, but there was no muttered cursing on the other side. She turned the dead bolt, opened the door, but nobody was there. Just as she was about to close the door, her husband stepped off the elevator.

When she backed into the living room, she felt chilled. She told me later that she wasn’t scared so much as confused. What did it all mean?
So, being a writer, I often wondered about this. Curiosity made me crazy. Why did the ghost always lock the door at the same time? Who was it? And why did he/she hitch a ride to her condo in the secretary? Wouldn’t he/she have felt more comfortable in a familiar place or with family members? Why stick with a piece of furniture and be at the whim of whoever bought the piece?

My friend’s experience always stayed at the back of my mind. I’ve made up many little stories about why the ghost stayed with the antique secretary. Sometimes it was spooky. Sometimes it was a mystery. In the end, I made it into a romance.

– Kim

Wow, what a creepy story, Kim! Thanks so much for sharing it and your haunting short story, Just Believe. I wonder what secrets the previous owner held in that secretary!


So, partygoers, how would you like to win a $50 Amazon e-card and a Kindle copy of This Is Your AfterlifeAll you have to do is enter using my handy Rafflecopter giveaway mechanism right HERE.

Have you ever experienced a haunting? Had an object or piece of furniture with a life of its own? Leave us a comment below!

Join us tomorrow to mingle with another great YA author, Stephanie Kuehnert!

Published by

Vanessa Barneveld

Award-winning author of THIS IS YOUR AFTERLIFE and UNDER THE MILKY WAY (Aug 2021).

25 thoughts on “Paranormal Party Guest – Kim MacCarron”

  1. Kim, thanks so much for being a part of my release week festivities and for sharing your friend’s story! Jeez, a ghost locking her into her apartment? Okay, it’s clear she could still disengage the lock herself, but still… Creepy! I’d love to know why the ghost was so attached to that desk. A writer ghost, perhaps? Maybe in life, s/she sat down to sprint-write at precisely that time every day. Or maybe there was a more romantic reason a la your fab short story. 😉

    The ghost at my new office is fond of ringing our doorbell. It even uses a special chime of its own. When I was at the revision stage of This Is Your Afterlife, the ghost would ring every time I opened the ms or emailed my editor. There’s never anybody at the door when we answer that chime. One day, I opened the door and found only a used Sydney Opera House ticket stub waiting for me on the doormat. The show was called ‘Festival of Dangerous Ideas — the History of Violence’! Eeep!


    1. Yes, Kim! Do fill us in! I’m with you, Erika. It doesn’t seem like a ‘friendly’ haunting to me. No way would I keep that desk!

      When we moved into our current house, we discovered the previous owner left two rows of novels in a built-in bookcase. Nice, I thought. One day, I noticed a paperback had moved about a centimetre out from the other books in its row. I pushed it back and thought nothing of it. Next day, the book had moved out again. My husband was away at the time, so I was alone. My cats are dexterous, but not *that* dextrous. I pushed the book back in line.

      Next day… Yep, the book had moved again. This time I ripped it out of the bookshelf and looked at the cover. I don’t remember the title, but it looked like those old ’70s covers…with an illustration of a human skull on the cover.

      I gave away the book to a horror fan asap. He *hated* it! He also gave it away. I wonder where that book is now!


    2. Erika,
      I’m actually not sure about the secretary. I wish I had a better and more exciting answer. I guess that’s why I made up stories about it for almost fifteen years. Lol
      My friend always thought the door locking was more for her protection than to lock her in.
      So I made my ghost a friendly spirit in my short story. A matchmaker. Hence, the romance. Not a romance with the actual ghost. 😉

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Kim, I’ve heard that story before. I’ve read “I Believe” before. And I still got chills! So creepy! And Vanessa, I didn’t know about either your doorbell ghost or the book. Yikes! Can’t say this morning is feeling very warm and secure….
    …but what DOES give me the fuzzies is this Paranormal Party! Yippee!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Aw, I always get the warm and fuzzies when you’re around, Pintip! Thanks for being here!

      Kim’s secretary story gave me chills too! Brrrr!

      I only just remembered the spooky ghost story after I read Kim’s post. I guess it was something I wanted to forget in a hurry!!!!


  3. Wow, that is CREEPY, Kim! I’ve never heard of a ghostie attached to a piece of furniture before. I do believe in ghosts/spirits/afterlife energy…whatever you want to call it. I threaten my husband all the time that I’ll come back and give him hell if I go first. 😉

    Vanessa, CONGRATS on your debut release, I love the title every time I read it. Best of luck on sales and SMART girl setting up rafflecopter and a paranormal release party to celebrate!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks for dropping by, Sarah! I’m glad you love the title. I laughed at your comment about coming back to give your husband proof of life after life. I have a similar pact with my husband. 🙂

      To whoever came up with the Rafflecopter idea, you’re a genius! Really, it’s so easy to use. The official widget doesn’t work with WordPress, unfortunately, but it’s still making my life easier!


  4. I grew up around horses. The barn where we boarded said horses had a storied past – built by a married man for his mistress, it fell into disrepair when he died. The mistress is said to have passed away in the office. She had a favorite horse stalled near that office.

    Over the years, whenever another horse was put in that stall, it would get loose to wander the aisle, help itself to more hay, etc. No matter how securely bolted, as soon as someone stopped paying attention, the stall door would open and the horse would be free to roam.

    Not as scary as a haunted desk but still darn spooky.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ohh, Julie, that’s a gorgeous story! It definitely gave me the warm and fuzzies Pintip talked about. I love the idea that maybe, just maybe, the mistress’s spirit is spoiling those horses.

      Another horse-related story that gets me every time is the one I heard about Patrick Swayze’s favourite horse. The horse apparently died of a broken heart not long after Patrick passed away. I like to think of them riding around heaven all day. 🙂

      Thanks very much for stopping by!


    1. Great of you to drop in, Laura — thank you! Hmm, maybe reading creepy stories engages your imagination a lot more! I hate scary movies, too, but sometimes I can force myself to watch…with my eyes covered.

      Kim’s inspired-by-real-events short story is fab. I hope you like it as much as I do!


  5. That gave me the shivers! (And I don’t think it is the crud that I seemed to have caught.) I would sell that piece of furniture in a heartbeat – but then I can’t even read horror books. I would never sleep!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Haha, Amy! That was when I realized I could talk into the phone and it would magically type the text while I was driving cross-country. I really, REALLY loved my green alien glasses. 🙂


    1. Aw, thanks, Lenora! That pic was taken at the 2012 Golden Heart/RITA awards night. Pintip was nominated for best YA. Isn’t that the most amazing dress? She and Kim look gorgeous.

      Thanks so much for coming by!


  6. C-R-E-E-P-Y! I’m with Amy. The secretary would have to go. I’d probably have to move and never stay home alone again. Thankfully, your friend is much less wimpy!

    Happy almost Thursday!


    1. Hi, McCall! You can count me among the people who won’t have a bar of that haunted desk!

      So great to see your name on the Golden Pen finalists list — congratulations!

      Enjoy your Thursday. I’m closer to TGIF territory down here. 🙂


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